
Leadership Challenge

How a Complete Newbie in Healthcare Advanced Practice Provider Leadership role can make a significant contribution to his organization using the

5-Day Effective Leader Challenge.

New Healthcare leaders: If you are struggling in your role, grab this opportunity to JOIN the 5-Day Effective Leader Challenge

It’s NOT a course, IT’S a SHORTCUT

If you are looking for a 15-hour long course, or a 321-page book, or a workshop that is more about theory and less about work … Then this is not for you …

The 5-Day Effective APP Leadership Challenge is your Shortcut to CLARITY and EFFECTIVENESS.

If you don’t want to spend time learning by trial and error, JOIN the Challenge and get the help you need to become more proficient in your role as a healthcare leader.

3 UGLY TRUTHS Why Most New Healthcare Advanced Practice Provider Leaders Struggle in their role

Do you know why?

Because of 3 reasons:

So what's the solution?

You don’t need to spend years of trial and error to be EFFECTIVE in your role. This 5-Day Challenge will help you fast-track your way to be fully aware of how you best navigate your new role and get the respect you deserve in your organization.

Amazingly simple this challenge offers a 3-step system for New Leaders like you.


the 3-step system, specially designed for Healthcare Leaders

If you don’t want to spend years in trial and error butyou want to develop the skills of an effective leader, follow this 3 – step system: Even a newbie at leadership can increase capability by following these 3 easy-to-follow steps.

Everyday Problems of a New Healthcare Leader…

Let’s be real for a while. There are actually 3 big problems most of the Healthcare Leaders have to face every day.
  • No mentorship or training for your role
  • Staffing and scheduling nightmares due to lack of staff and high turnover
  • Lack of protected time to build your team
But you know what? It happens very often. So those healthcare leaders have to face it every day. Every. Single. Day. And they’ll have to do it again tomorrow… Until they find out the main reason they don’t meet what the role requires of them.

The solution, meanwhile, is very simple:
They need SOMEONE who is an expert in the field to teach them what they need to know to be an effective leader.

Because Effective Leadership can solve all of these problems. You just need someone to show you.. …This is this why you need to be part of this 5-Day Effective Healthcare Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Challenge.


This shortcut is a 5-Day Challenge that includes:

  • Daily Live Zoom Call where you will be taught the training necessary to be successful in your leadership role
  • Exclusive Group within the 5 Days to share your struggles and find solutions
  • Networking with experts in Advanced Practice Provider Leadership

Yes! I Want To JOIN the 5-DAY Effective Healthcare Challenge Right Now!

I’m sure that this 5 day Healthcare Leadership Challenge  will help me become a revolutionary Leader.
  • 5 day training valued at $797
  • PDF’s on each of the teaching $127
  • Online networking community $347
  • Bonus- one free personalized 30 minute coaching call $97
  • Bonus- a Q&A session during the training $197

Total Value: $1565



The 5-DAY Effective Healthcare Leadership Challenge Is NOT for People …

  • Who are looking for a magic wand that can solve all their problems.
  • Who think they will improve their leadership skills lying in bed and staring at the TV.
  • Who doesn’t want to take action and responsibility for their results
If you are one of them, I have bad news for you. It doesn’t work like this. Don’t waste your time reading this page. I don’t have any magic wand for you.

The 5-DAY Effective Healthcare Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Challenge Is IDEAL For People …

  • Who’d rather work on improving their leadership skills than blame others for their failure
  • Who know they have to takemassive action to get massive results
Who are ready to use the shortcuts to get results faster (but still know they have to take action!)
If you are an action taker, welcome. Click here to take action and be a better leader.

You Want To Be A Better Leader … … and I’m Here to Help You!

Hey, I’m Jenilea  and I’ve been an APP for 14 years and in  APP Leadership Development for 10 years. I truly believe in one thing: APPs that reach a level of leadership truly desire to be an effective and impactful leader, but few have the resources available. Many people attain a position of leadership by promotion, but it can take years of trial and error to develop the qualities necessary to build and lead a revolutionary team. Qualities such as a passion to develop their staff and willingness to serve their team and do what is right for the benefit of the whole group. If this is you, if you are seeking or have received a promotion and you desire to build a team that empowers others and creates an atmosphere of winning, this is for you. You will never regret this investment in developing yourself!  I believe each one of you have the desire to be an impactful leader and by investing in yourself and taking these next steps in the training you will achieve your goal. Many of these APPs have a desire to be an outstanding leader but they struggle in adjusting to their new role. And it’s a pity. That’s Why I’m on a Mission The mission is to help healthcare leaders increase their competency in their roles. If you are one of them… …then I’m here to help you.

Yes, Jenilea! I Want To JOIN The 5-DAY Effective Healthcare Leadership Challenge Right Now!

I’m sure that this 5 day Healthcare Leadership Challenge  will help me become an effective and impactful Leader.
  • 5 day training valued at $797
  • PDF’s on each of the teaching $127
  • Online networking community $347
  • Bonus- one free personalized 30 minute coaching call $97
  • Bonus- a Q&A session during the training $197

Total Value: $1565


Click Here to Gain Your Save your spot to the 5-Day Effective Healthcare Leadership Challenge.

$1,000 Guarantee

Look, I’m 100% sure that what you’ll discover inside of this program is worth at least $1,000.

Don’t make the SAME MISTAKE!

Evolution. Progress. Moving forward. You name it.
There is just one thing that is for sure.
You CAN’T stop it!
Only those who adapt survive. Dinosaurs could talk about it. They were the strongest, the greatest, and kings of the world. But they made ONE mistake. One fatal error!
They didn’t adapt.
And so they died out. Forever.
I always keep this in mind [[ business / life / health ]], and I repeat it every day. If I don’t adapt to what works NOW, it will be very difficult to adapt LATER. And I may die out eventually (meaning I will burn out as a leader and my team will continue to turn over).
That is why I am very strict at using the things that work best at the moment. I adapt to them.

Yes, it’s new. It needs to be learned. But if I don’t do that, [[ something bad will happen ]]. It has happened so many times to me in the past that I always sigh sadly at it.

But I have already decided that I’ll do it differently. I want to be an impactful leader. That’s the main reason why I spend so much time learning and developing these skills.

Because these Leadership skills are the Most Important Skills to developing a revolutionary team.

And if you want to build a revolutionary team and be an impactful leader too, and you don’t want to spend years learning it, use [[ product name ]].

Because if you don’t, [[ something bad will happen ]]. And you know what’s gonna happen then.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Jenilea! I Want To JOIN The 5-DAY Effective Healthcare Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Challenge Right Now!

I need your strategies because I understand the importance of developing my leadership skills!

I’m sure that this 5 day Healthcare Leadership Challenge will help me become a revolutionary Leader.

  • 5 day training valued at $797
  • PDF’s on each of the teaching $127
  • Online networking community $347
  • Bonus- one free personalized 30 minute coaching call $97
  • Bonus- a Q&A session during the training $197

Total Value: $1565